Thursday, April 8, 2010

Crying non stop

I have done nothing but cry for the past twenty- four hours. I am not sure why. I know its only two days past transfer...but I just have this feeling that I am not pregnant. Its the same feeling I had with the other failed attempts. I just don't know how to describe it. But I just have this feeling that I am not pregnant.
I wish I knew all the answers. But I am severely depressed right now. I cant stop crying. Maybe its coming off of all the hormones. I was on the highest dosage they give. I sure hope I am wrong about these feeling. I hope that God makes a miracle. But right now, I am just not convinced.


  1. ((HUGS)) Hang in there, this part is so hard.

  2. I"m sorry you are having a hard time. Your estrogen levels are still pretty high and you may even be on estrogen patches of some kind but I know estrogen makes me CRY!! Even if I donn't have a reason to cry...I just can't stop. I know this won't make you stop crying but maybe it will help you realize that feeling sad or crying right now does not mean it didn't work..It just means your body is full of hormones. Try to stay positive but if you can't do that...know that I'm staying positive for you!!!

  3. I second what the last comment said. You have a lot of us pulling for you and staying positive for you. I have had a stressful day and that has caused me to cry several times today over silly things.. So just know you are not alone in your crying today!! ;) I'm praying for you girl.. AND sometimes a good cry is just what you need!! You have been through soooooooooo much and had an unbelievable amount of pressure on you. Stay strong and happy but cry when you want to too!! Love ya!!!!

  4. There is a lot of pressure- and I want you to know that I read a TON of blogs- and many times, a woman has said "I have a feeling I'm not pregnant- just like before" and you know what? She is wrong. Very wrong. And then there is the opposite that happened to me- I was sure I WAS pregnant...but I was wrong. So you just never know...and hormones can affect SO much of your emotions. I wish there was a way to see into the future (for certain things), but alas- we are forced to wait. Try to keep the view that life does not stop for infertility...although it feels like it. Keep strong- cry if you have to, and let us be positive for you! As of right now I say you ARE pregnant!!
