Wednesday, April 7, 2010


That is the number of how many we have to freeze. Zero. We got the call this morning that the last one didn't make it. So, I am hoping the two that are inside of me......turn out positive because we have nothing to fall back on!


  1. Ugh, I know that call is hard to get. Our first four IVFs we never had any to freeze and I was devastated. However, IVF#1 worked and he's now 5, so the fact there were none to freeze means nothing in regards to the two you transferred. Plus, you have to look at what you would do if you had frozens and then this cycle gave you twins, ets... that's the boat we're in now. We have our two kiddos and two totsicles... so now what. Wishing you lots of luck, don't be sad, you made it to transfer and I think you'll get good news soon!

  2. Thanks girl! I am trying to be positive!

  3. Sorry you don't have any to freeze but stay positive about the two you have in!! I also agree with the other poster...sometimes having frozen ones is not always the best thing becuase if you are pregnant you have to decide what to do with them. I sending lots of positive vibes your way!!
