So, last week I finally realized that I was late on AF. I was in denial. I mean why would I be pregnant? We have spent $25,000 on Fertility Treatments and none of them why would I become pregnant naturally?
Well, I finally took a pregnancy test...and YES...I am pregnant! The good ole fashion way! I have to say that Acupuncture truly helped me become pregnant. So, many emotions are going through me right now.
I am very scared and overwhelmed. I went to get my blood work done today with the Fertility Clinic that I have been going through. My progesterone levels came back very low. They want them to be 20 or more. Mine were 6. Around 4 is a miscarriage.
They immediately put me on the progesterone supplements. I had to be on them with my first child but my levels were not this low. The Nurse Practitioner assured me not to worry yet. She said she has seen many women with levels this low that end up giving birth. But I am extremely scared.
To make this great news even more husband is teaching in China for 21 days. I told him I was pregnant over the phone. I haven't even been able to hug him.
I go back on Wednesday for more blood to see if the levels have gone up. I am extremely nervous. Once I found out I was pregnant, I kept saying..."This is too good to be true, something is going to happen."
So, my statement was made real yesterday. One miracle has happened this month, I only hope that God has one more miracle left in him!