I recently had a close friend approach me with some fertility questions. She said that her and her husband had been trying for several months to get pregnant and so far were unsuccessful. She asked if I had any "tricks" that doctors had told me about or that I had read about. After go through a list of things. She then giggles and says.."Wow, you know a lot! You should be a doctor!" After I thought about it...I realized how much I do know. LOL. Here are some things that I have learned through research and doing Infertility treatments myself!
1. When trying to become pregnant....try to eliminate some if not all caffeine.
2. For some reason, my fertility doctor has told me to stay away from "Artificial Sugar" such as Sweet & Low, Diet drinks...etc. Those artificial sugars causes infertility.
3. A study has been shown that women who live in the states with no a lot of sunshine...tend to have a higher rate of infertility than the sunnier states like Florida. So get at least 15 minutes of sunlight on as much part of your body as you can!
4. If at all possible, eat all Organic. All the extra hormones put in the meats and food has been a top source of why infertility is on the rise!
5. A new study has shown that taking a small dose of over the counter male hormone, DHEA, can improve the quality of your eggs. Infertility clinics in New York are currently using them for their patients that have Diminished Ovarian Reserve.
6. Having husband take 1000mg of Vitamin C daily, can double and sometimes triple their sperm count.
7. Take a 80mg of Baby Aspirin daily to help with blood flow.
8. After having intercourse, lay flat on your back with a pillow under your hips. Lay there for about 15 minutes. Yes, people think its an old wives tale...but all of my fertility doctors have done it after every treatment.
9. For 24 hours after having intercourse or an IUI, do not take a hot bath. If you take a shower make it a warm one and quick. The rise in body temperature can kill off sperm who might have not yet made it up the "road".
10. Acupuncture has been proven to help with infertility. I was never a believer of it...but it has proven me wrong.
11. Exercise!!
It all sounds so simple. Follow these simple rules and you should have no problems becoming pregnant!! HA! I wish it was that simple. But hopefully, it might help for someone!
By Golly I Think It’s Working
6 years ago
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