Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All Quiet

Nothing much to report here. Just waiting until next Thursday to start taking my baby aspirin as well as my Dexamethasone. Then waiting until March 16th for my Suppression Appointment.

Its all quiet here...which I kind of like. Because I know once March 16th hits...I will be driving up to Kansas City (3 hours away) about one to three times a week. So, I am loving the quietness right now because in a couple of weeks its going to get crazy!


  1. I was reading your 'journey' on the right ... can you tell those of us who don't know what the terms are - clomid, IUI, BFN, etc?? I'm assuming different types of procedures or medication but am not sure.

  2. Hi LuLu,

    No problem. Clomid=a type of medicine that is taken to help ovulate. IUI = intra-uterine insemination. Which is where the sperm is injected into the uterus. BFN = Basically negative Pregnancy test. BFP = Positive Pregnancy test. HOpe this answers any questions and let me know if you have more.
