There is a new guy in my life. My acupuncturist. He seems to know a lot more than my last one. We spent about an hour talking about pretty much everything about my body and my lifestyle. Just like me, he is very confused on why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. All my levels are within the normal range and I became pregnant on my first IUI with little man.
Though, after telling him about my birthing experience with Little Man....he began to wonder if the trauma my body went through has yet to heal. I went through a lot of trauma giving birth. My uterus would not stop bleeding...had to take it out to get it to stop...lost some blood...low blood pressure...high blood pressure...went backwards...(8 cm. dilated to 7cm.) You name happened.
After an emergency C-section...our little man finally made it into the world. But I felt the effects for quite a while. In a nut shell, he believes that taken out of Uterus has interrupted my "Chi." LOL. That sounds funny to say it....but he also said with all the fertility drugs I have been on in the past 16 months and then the previous birth experience...he said female wise...I was a mess.
I told him of our "plan" to take a break on Western Medicine and then try back again in Jan. He was happy that we were still going to try but he wants me to not think about the Western Medicine. He wants my mind to be clear of all W.M. Infertility treatments. I told him I would try but easier said then done. :)
So, it was a very good appointment and hope that it will help. All I know is that I had a terrible headache when I got there..(never told him about this) and when I left it was gone. So, I know acupuncture works...just hope it works on me in the "right" places!
By Golly I Think It’s Working
6 years ago
I am 100% convinced that the only reason I got pregnant two and three pregnancies ago was because of the acupuncture (never mind those pregnancies didn't work-I hadn't conceived via 4 IUIs or 2 IVFs and then I do this and conceive). I felt great and totally in sync having it done. I'm glad you like this new one-it makes such a difference!